Tuesday, January 15, 2013


I do not know what has happened but my posting set-up will not allow for me to post pictures the way I always have. 


  1. Not you to, so many have been having this problem, if you want go on my blog, I did a post not to long on not finding my browser and Amy told me something to try and it worked so take a look, might help you, good luck,Francine.

  2. I have had the same problem, if you are using explorer, I downloaded google chrome, and it lets me up load pictures...good luck. OLM

  3. I ended up having to pay a monthly fee in order to upload photos :(

  4. Oh thank you so much for the info Primitive Stars. I went to your post and saw the comment about going to html and clicking the picture icon. It worked! I didn't want to go throug the bother of downloading a different browser just to use blogger. Thank you again! - BJ

  5. You're not alone, Cheri from Larkrise also had a problem and when she downloaded Google Chrome was able to post again. Good luck.

